
Domain Name Registration
Web Design
Web Improvements
SEO Consulting
E Commerce
Social Media Consulting
IT Consulting
Audio/Video Production
Sales Training & Consulting

Web Design

If you’re like most people, you want to know “how it works”.

Here it is:

Talk:  It all starts with a conversation: about you, your business, your Customers and how we might help you connect with them on the web. Call us  (937) 422-9828

Email us

Design: We work together on a “look” and “feel” for your website.

We create a description of who you are, what you do, etc. and make it easy to understand. We want to make sure that we provide everything necessary for those viewing your web pages. Logos, photos, and the best words we can find to describe you and your business.

Build: We put everything together and create a preview of what your site will look like. We fine tune and make any needed changes.

Launch: Your website is now on the internet…a star is born! It doesn’t end here, though.

Monitor: We monitor your site to make sure that it is working for you.   

 Ohio Web Design